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Sharry Edwards

Sharry Edwards Interview


Sharry Edwards has been accused of being too scientific by some, too esoteric by others. In actuality she is a bridge between both fields of inquiry.  Sharry is the acknowledged pioneer in the emerging field of Vocal Profiling using BioAcoustic Biology.  She has for many years provided the leading-edge research to show the frequencies of the voice can be used to create a holographic representation of health and wellness.  Her research has caught the attention of even large pharmaceutical houses, government agencies, alternative health providers and those who wish to create a better future. Recent AT&T declared that bioacoustics is the “medicine of the future”.


From birth to death, we use sounds to express our needs and emotions, but there are additional layers of information hidden within the words.  In modern times we possess only limited conscious awareness of this information for ourselves or as a means to interpret the intentions of others.

Imagine a future in which the individual frequency based biomarkers contained within the voice can be used to keep us and our world, healthy and emotionally balanced.

Vocal Profiling software has been developed that can use the components of the voice to create a matrix of information about anyone, from fundamental DNA, to the hidden intentions of those who claim to speak for us.


Sharry’s intention is to demonstrate how the present system of health is akin to governmental tyranny and is both a tragedy and an opportunity for, We THE PEOPLE, to take charge of our own health using a new paradigm of SELF HEALTH.

Rodna Zemlja, zavod, Visoko - Ig,

Slovenija - Eu


T: +386 41 790 757


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