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Peter Schenk

Peter Schenk Interview


Before creating Modern Day Mystic, Peter Schenk developed software to bolster the fortunes of one of the largest financial institutions on the planet. But after a turning point in his spiritual awakening, he realized he was intended to serve a greater purpose. Since that time, Peter’s gaze has been fastened to improving the fortune of humankind, helping to prepare humanity for the New Age.

Inspired by the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, Peter applied his skills as a world class IT engineer to find a link between Dr. Emoto’s work and mathematical and quantum principles. In 2007, Peter succeeded in reducing the force behind all creation to a mathematical integer he called “Sourxe Energy.” This became the foundation for a completely new kind of software – capable of harnessing the power of numbers to manage the intensity and focus of Sourxe energy when used in concert with a human being’s innate ability to focus intention. This breakthrough led to the first version of Aquaware software.

Rodna Zemlja, zavod, Visoko - Ig,

Slovenija - Eu


T: +386 41 790 757


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