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Mark Rosenfeld

Mark Rosenfeld Interview


After struggling with his own shyness right throughout high-school, Mark turned things around for himself in 2009 when he made a pledge to go out and meet more people in a single year than he’d ever met in his life. The process worked, and he was soon teaching confidence and dating to other shy men.

This continued through to 2011 before he took a job as a professional dancer, during which he spent significant time around men on the other end of the confidence spectrum. Through spending time with both extremes of confidence – Mark came to a true understanding of the actions men take and how they think as it related to women. The difference between the player and the guy who wanted a relationship, the difference between a guy who will and a guy who won’t commit.


Throughout his years as a dancer, Mark had the opportunity to interact with over 30,000 women. Many of these women, upon meeting him, opening up about their dating lives. With what he knew about men he soon he began to notice patterns. He was able to predict which women would end up with the quality type of guy they really wanted, and which would end up being used by a player.

Mark started coaching dating to women he knew, and gradually more began coming to him for advice. As his reputation grew, he started teaching, what he’d learned about men to more and more women, eager to get his help in their own dating lives.


He officially created Make Him Yours in 2015, to share what he learned to help women, perhaps like yourself, now stop the frustrating patterns in their dating lives and start attracting the men they deserve. He publishes blogs twice weekly and has a Youtube Channel where he shares free secrets on men and getting the guy you want.

Rodna Zemlja, zavod, Visoko - Ig,

Slovenija - Eu


T: +386 41 790 757


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