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Liz Weatherly

Liz Weatherly Interview


For more than forty years Louise Hay’s Love Yourself, Heal Your Life method has been helping people around the world to create positive change for themselves.


Liz Weatherly, teacher and leader of Love Yourself, Heal Your Life programmes in New Zealand is one of Louise’s trusted global group of workshop and coaching facilitators, trained and authorised by Louise through Hay House and Heart Inspired Presentations.


Described as an expansion – loving spiritual butt – kicker, Liz’s happy place is helping people rediscover the perfect being that they are through the process of learning to really love them self. Having witnessed her own journey of growth and those of her students, she understands that responding to the inner call to expand and heal your life can be scary, and that our fear of what other people will think if we follow our heart can be enough to stop us in our tracks. She teaches that being our truest, best, unashamed and healed self isn’t scary at all. In fact, it’s amazing and empowering and satisfying.  

Rodna Zemlja, zavod, Visoko - Ig,

Slovenija - Eu


T: +386 41 790 757


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