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Kimspirational interview


Kim Doucette, known as Kimspirational, as coined by the Angels, is a “born Medium” and uses her unique gift to communicate and deliver messages from Past Loved Ones, Angels and Guides. She has studied with Doreen Virtue, PH.D., and is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®.


The techniques she has learned stems from  knowledge she received while living and visiting several places of the world, including:  Korea, Australia, Africa, Peru, Brazil, U.S. and currently spreading her wings across Europe! ...Buddhism, Muslim Tradition, Native, and Celtic, Shamanism across the world... Kim has experienced and studied far and wide and brought home all the hands-on knowledge she could to provide the best information possible to those that she reads for and teaches.


Based out of Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada and Slovenia, Europe, her mission is to inspire the world one person at a time. Let her help you find inner peace. It is there within your core.


Her truest gift is compassion, unconditional love, and of course, Inspiration!


Fear of the unknown is what keeps us from living our dream. Living our dream helps make fear unknown.


Rodna Zemlja, zavod, Visoko - Ig,

Slovenija - Eu


T: +386 41 790 757


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