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Kim Knight

Kim Knight Interview


Kim – The Kiwi Health Detective

Kim is a trendsetter, pioneer and thought leader in a new paradigm of healthcare currently emerging on the planet. She is known as the ‘Kiwi Health Detective’ for her ability to isolate the root cause of complex health issues in just 90 minutes.

After a 25 year journey back to health from clinical depression, chronic fatigue and a multitude of other ailments, which left her house-bound, unable to work for 10 years and finally losing her home and life savings, she found ‘the secrets to health’ and now helps women get unstuck from life situations which keep them trapped, unhappy or chronically ill.

She is an expert in reversing symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), ME, fibromyalgia, IBS, anxiety, stress, depression or other seemingly inexplicable symptoms of pain or fatigue which are not responding to other treatments. She is able to do this without the external intervention of medication or supplements. Her speciality is helping people heal the emotional consequences of childhood abuse, bullying, narcissistic parents, abandonment, feeling unloved, birth trauma, partner betrayals and more. It’s all about inner transformation, and in particular the ability to clear emotional energy trapped in the cells.

Kim has been nominated for and won several health awards and been featured in the media and magazines. She is based in New Zealand and works worldwide with clients online. She also teaches self-mastery through online programs and webinars.

Rodna Zemlja, zavod, Visoko - Ig,

Slovenija - Eu


T: +386 41 790 757


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